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Complaints Procedure

We are committed to providing a service of the very highest standards. Tom Giles & Co are members of The Property Ombudsman Service (TPOS) for sales and lettings.

In the unlikely event that you would like to make a complaint please tell us exactly what you are unhappy about and what you would like us to do to about it. You can do this in writing to:

Tom Giles & Co
Complaints Handling
11 Church Street
B69 3AD.

Alternatively, you may wish to email your complaint to: s.cox@tomgiles.net

By putting your complaint in writing it helps us to understand the issues of concern. We will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within three working days by post or email and advise you of the partner responsible for investigating your complaint.

You will receive a full response within 15 working days excluding weekends and Bank Holidays of us receiving your complaint.

If we do not hear from you within 8 weeks of our detailed response, then we will assume that the matter has been addressed and our files will close accordingly.

If you are still unhappy with our detailed response, please let us know by in writing by letter or email. We will again acknowledge receipt within three working days.

A second detailed response will be provided within 15 working days excluding weekends and Bank Holidays of receiving your request for a second review of your complaint.

If you are unhappy with our response you are entitled to contact The Property Ombudsman if your complaint is of a sales or lettings nature at the following address: -

The Property Ombudsman Service
Milford House
43-55 Milford Street

01722 333306

Please Note

You will need to complete our internal complaints procedure before contacting The Property Ombudsman.

You will need to submit your complaint to The Property Ombudsman with 12 months of our final letter and include any evidence to support your case/complaint

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